Toward the top of my notepad, I wrote I miss personal writing. I realised this in a conversation earlier this week where I felt that something was missing from the more technical writing I have been doing lately on this website.
As I was singing and dancing while waiting for the kettle to boil, listening to Taylor Swift’s reputation, I thought about how much joy dancing brings to me. Especially dancing in the category of “dance like nobody is watching.” I thought about how much I love the passion with which I sing some lyrics; those lyrics where it feels like the songwriter is trying to communicate their own passion.
I love how versatile the word is: how an essay can empower someone, or encourage someone to think, or how a tutorial can help someone learn. Indeed, writing is communicating: the essence of our humanity.
When the song finished and after I had brewed my coffee, I started to think: maybe I should make a little list of things that bring me joy.
I like singing and dancing. (And one day hope to go to singing lessons!)
I like laughing at sitcoms.
I like the feeling of understanding something after thinking about it for a long time.
I find joy in hearing someone talk about something they are passionate about.
I like the warmth that radiates from a thick coffee mug on a cold day.
I find cleaning dishes relaxing.
I enjoy the feeling that one gets when I say something that makes someone smile.
I like learning about design.
I enjoy looking at my bookshelf, and seeing something different every time I look.
I enjoy stickers; both receiving and sharing them.
I appreciate personal websites.
I love writing.